A Love Unbroken: A Regency Romance (Landon House Book 3) Page 16
“You mean to say, Lord Barrington, that both Lord Telford and Lord Havers, having already done such a cruel thing to Lady Amelia, now turned their attention to my daughter?”
These last words were practically shouted, filling the room with the Duke’s vehemence.
“I knew that they were attempting this, father,” Lady Selina said, her voice a gentle wind to the Duke’s furious outburst. “But I could not tell you, for it had to be proven. You had to see it with your own eyes, for then consequences could be brought to these gentlemen for what they had tried to do.”
“It would have been no good with merely hearsay,” Lady Hayward added, looking steadily back at the Duke who had slowly begun to loosen his tight fists, clearly becoming a little calmer. “You had to know the truth of what these gentlemen were doing. You had to see it for yourself.”
“And so I have done,” the Duke grated, his voice low and his expression one of utter rage. “You attempted to force my daughter into a situation where her reputation would have been at stake, solely for your own gain.” He held up one hand as Lord Telford began to stammer. “You need not attempt to find any excuses, Lord Telford. I am fully aware of what you have done to Lady Amelia and what you have demanded of her brother. For you to think that you could demand the same from me is even further beyond the pale!”
Lord Havers lifted his head and looked at Lord Telford, and Charles found himself very satisfied indeed with the look of sheer despair on the gentleman’s face. They had been outwitted and Charles was very glad of it, for now not only was his sister safe from any further demands, the two gentlemen would not be able to carry out their scheme against any other young ladies of the ton either.
“There will be consequences for this,” the Duke continued, as Charles nodded fervently. “Have no doubt, gentlemen. I will make quite certain of it!”
“As will I,” Charles added, as both Lord Banfield and Lord Donaldson said the same. “You will find yourselves removed from society entirely, gentlemen.”
Lord Telford lifted his chin, although there was a paleness about his lips that betrayed his ongoing dismay.
“What will you do?” he asked, as though this was nothing more than foolishness. “If you tell any others about what has occurred, then you risk your sister’s reputation, Lord Barrington!”
Charles’ mouth lifted in a half smile and he took a small step towards Lord Telford.
“Lady Amelia is to be wed very soon,” he said, calmly. “She has found the most excellent of gentlemen and will not be injured in the slightest by what I might have to say to the beau monde of your cruel attempts to manipulate her.” He gestured towards the Duke. “And do you truly believe that His Grace would do anything to jeopardize the reputation of his daughter?”
The Duke’s jaw tightened.
“I should think not,” he grated, as Lord Telford’s shoulders dropped and his head lowered. “But surely you must realize that, as a Duke of the realm, there are a great many things which I am able to influence. Many things that I am able to say. And certainly, a great deal that I can do to make sure that you will never be able to lift your heads in society again!”
This seemed to finally defeat Lord Telford, for a groan escaped his lips as he ran one hand over his eyes. Lord Havers remained where he was, his head in his hands again and a great heaviness about his frame.
“Might I suggest that the rest of us depart and leave Lord Telford and Lord Havers to consider their actions?” Charles remarked, as a bright, contented smile spread across Lady Selina’s face. “Our task has come to an end. The ball is still in full swing and I, for one, feel cause to celebrate.”
“As do I,” Lady Hayward replied, taking Charles’ mother’s arm. Lady Barrington drew close to Charles and reached up to kiss his cheek, her eyes damp but a watery smile on her lips. Reassuring her quietly that all was well and that there was nothing further to fear, he thanked Lady Hayward for her part and watched them exit the room.
“I think,” the Duke said, as the others came close to him, “that I might remain for a time, Lord Barrington.”
Charles nodded, seeing how both Lord Telford and Lord Havers stiffened.
“But of course, Your Grace.”
“There are a few things I wish to say specifically to these gentlemen,” the Duke continued, gesturing for his daughter to go with Charles. “Thank you, Barrington.”
“Of course.” Charles offered Lady Selina his arm, as Banfield offered Lady Amelia his, and together, they left the room. The door closed tightly behind them and Charles let out a long breath, smiling first at his sister and then at Lady Selina. “It is done,” he said, as they both smiled back at him. “It is over. And now there is nothing left to block our way.”
The following afternoon, Charles found himself sitting in the drawing room with both Lady Selina and Lady Hayward, looking at them both and finding his heart so filled with relief that it was difficult to find the words to express it.
“How does the Duke fare?” he asked, as Lady Selina exchanged a quick glance with her chaperone.
“His Grace and I had a long discussion,” Lady Hayward said, a slight strain about her eyes. “Lady Selina was present also, of course, and I believe that he understands why things were done in such a specific way.”
Charles frowned, wondering if the Duke had questioned Lady Hayward’s actions.
“I hope it was not a difficult conversation,” he said slowly, as Lady Hayward again looked to her charge. “I am sorry if it was troubling.”
“It was difficult,” Lady Selina replied, with a small shrug. “My father did not want me to be at risk in any way, and yet that was the very reason I did not explain everything to him at the first.” She rose and made her way to ring the bell for tea. “He was very angry, of course, but it was not directed towards myself or Lady Hayward. Rather, it was entirely towards Lord Havers and Lord Telford. Once he realized just how safe I had been throughout the entirety of last evening, he became a little more calm, and expressed his gratitude about how well it had all been managed.” Her expression softened. “I know he is eager to speak to you also, Lord Barrington.”
“As I am with him, I assure you!” Charles replied, speaking honestly and feeling his heart swell with love as he looked into Lady Selina’s eyes. “You did very well last evening, Lady Selina. I am all the more in awe of your courage and fortitude.”
“That courage and fortitude only existed within me due to your presence nearby,” she replied, swiftly. “To know that you were there, that you were watching me, and making certain that I would not come to harm, brought me all the strength which I required.”
Charles smiled at her and, with a quick glance towards Lady Hayward, felt himself grow hot with the words that he wished to say to Lady Selina, but which he could not, given Lady Hayward’s presence.
“I must beg you to excuse me for a moment!” Lady Hayward rose suddenly. “I have left my needlework in the library and must have it at once!”
Lady Selina frowned.
“Surely a maid can….”
She trailed off, glancing towards Charles before color began to rise in her cheeks. Lady Hayward chuckled and then made her way to the door.
“I will be but a few minutes, Lord Barrington,” she said, in a warning tone. “Do be wise.”
Charles nodded and immediately turned again to Lady Selina, whose pink cheeks only brought him a swell of gladness in his heart. She knew what he wanted to say, surely?
“Lady Selina, the matter with my sister and Lord Telford is now at an end,” he said, pushing himself from his chair and coming to stand before her. Holding out one hand to her, he waited until she had taken it before he gently pulled her to her feet, aware that she was closer to him than ever before. Her golden hair curled gently around her temples like a crown, her eyes were bright with hope and happiness.
“I will speak to your father very soon,” he continued, softly, “but before I do so, I want you to know the truth of my heart
“Speak it, Lord Barrington,” came the gentle reply. “I would know of it.”
He took in a deep breath, a little surprised at how much nervousness climbed through his veins.
“It is to tell you, Lady Selina, that my heart no longer holds an affection for you.” Seeing the smile fade from her face, the startled look that came into her eyes, he spoke more quickly. “That is to say that mere affection has been replaced by a deep and ever-growing love for you. A love which, I am quite certain, will not be removed from my heart, but will linger there for the rest of my days. I cannot be without you, Lady Selina. I cannot even consider my life without your presence. I seek to court you, yes, but if I can, I will make it of such a short duration that we shall find ourselves betrothed within the week!”
For a moment, Lady Selina appeared so startled that words were stolen from her lips. Her eyes were wide, her color heightened still and then, after a few moments longer, she began to laugh.
“A week?” she asked, as he smiled down at her, his hand still in hers. “A week is much too long, Lord Barrington.” Boldly, she moved a little closer to him, her eyes still fixed to his. “When there are two hearts so similar to each other, when there is a bond already being forged which cannot be broken, it is a great burden to have to endure a week of courtship when we both long for something more.”
His heart swelled and he caught her about the waist, her hands quickly going around his neck.
“You are the most wonderful of ladies,” he told her, softly. “The most courageous, caring, kind-hearted and generous creature I have ever had the opportunity to know. How could I not be drawn to your beauty?” Bending his head, he caught her lips for the briefest of moments, not daring to do more, but yet unable to stop himself. “I love you, Selina.”
“As I love you,” came her sweet reply as Charles held her close and clasped her to his heart.
Aw, I love to see a happy ever after! I hope you enjoyed their story! The next book in the series is on pre0rder, A Christmas Match.
Want something more to read right now? Please check out one of my favorite series, The Spinsters Guild, and start with A New Beginning
A Sneak Peak of A New Beginning
Chapter One
“Good evening, Miss Taylor.”
Miss Emily Taylor, daughter to the Viscount Chesterton, kept her gaze low to the ground, her stomach knotting. The gentleman who had greeted her was, at this present moment, looking at her with something akin to a leer, his balding head already gleaming in the candlelight.
“Good evening, Lord Smithton,” she murmured, hearing the grunt from her father than indicated she should be doing more than simply acknowledging the gentleman’s presence. The last thing Emily wished to do, however, was to encourage the man any further. He was, to her eyes, grotesque, and certainly not a suitable match for someone who had only recently made her debut, even if he was a Marquess.
“Emily is delighted to see you this evening,” her father said, giving Emily a small push forward. “I am certain she will be glad to dance with you whenever you wish!”
Emily closed her eyes, resisting the urge to step back from the fellow, in the knowledge that should she do so, her father would make certain that consequences would follow. She could not bring herself to speak, almost feeling Lord Smithton’s eyes roving over her form as she opened her eyes and kept her gaze low.
“You know very well that I would be more than pleased to accompany you to the floor,” Lord Smithton said, his voice low and filled with apparent longing. Emily suppressed a shudder, forcing herself to put her hand out and let her dance card drop from her wrist. Lord Smithton, however, did not grasp her dance card but took her hand in his, making a gasp escape from her mouth. The swift intake of breath from behind her informed Emily that she was not alone in her surprise and shock, for her mother also was clearly very upset that Lord Smithton had behaved in such an improper fashion. Her father, however, said nothing and, in the silence that followed, allowed himself a small chuckle.
Emily wanted to weep. It was obvious that her father was not about to say a single word about Lord Smithton’s improper behavior. Instead, it seemed he was encouraging it. Her heart ached with the sorrow that came from having a father who cared so little for her that he would allow impropriety in front of so many of the beau monde. Her reputation could be stained from such a thing, whispers spread about her, and yet her father would stand by and allow them to go about her without even a twinge of concern.
Most likely, this was because his intention was for Emily to wed Lord Smithton. It had been something Emily had begun to suspect during these last two weeks, for Lord Smithton had been present at the same social gatherings as she had attended with her parents, and her father had always insisted that she greet him. Nothing had been said as yet, however, which came as something of a relief, but deep down, Emily feared that her father would simply announce one day that she was engaged to the old, leering Lord Smithton.
“Wonderful,” Lord Smithton murmured, finally letting go of Emily’s hand and grasping her dance card. “I see that you have no others as yet, Miss Taylor.”
“We have only just arrived,” said Emily’s mother, from just behind Emily. “That is why –”
“I am certain that Lord Smithton does not need to know such things,” Lord Chesterton interrupted, silencing Emily’s mother immediately. “He is clearly grateful that Emily has not yet had her head turned by any other gentleman as yet.”
Closing her eyes tightly, Emily forced herself to breathe normally, aware of how Lord Smithton chuckled at this. She did not have any feelings of attraction or even fondness for Lord Smithton but yet her father was stating outright that she was interested in Lord Smithton’s attentions!
“I have chosen the quadrille, the waltz and the supper dance, Miss Taylor.”
Emily’s eyes shot open, and she practically jerked back the dance card from Lord Smithton’s hands, preventing him from finishing writing his name in the final space. Her father stiffened beside her, her mother gasping in shock, but Emily did not allow either reaction to prevent her from keeping her dance card away from Lord Smithton.
“I am afraid I cannot permit such a thing, Lord Smithton,” she told him plainly, her voice shaking as she struggled to find the confidence to speak with the strength she needed. “Three dances would, as you know, send many a tongue wagging and I cannot allow such a thing to happen. I am quite certain you will understand.” She lifted her chin, her stomach twisting this way and that in fright as Lord Smithton narrowed his eyes and glared at her.
“My daughter is quite correct, Lord Smithton,” Lady Chesterton added, settling a cold hand on Emily’s shoulder. “Three dances are, as you know, something that the ton will notice and discuss without dissention.”
Emily held her breath, seeing how her father and Lord Smithton exchanged a glance. Her eyes began to burn with unshed tears but she did not allow a single one to fall. She was trying to be strong, was she not? Therefore, she could not allow herself to show Lord Smithton even a single sign of weakness.
“I suppose that is to be understood,” Lord Smithton said, eventually, forcing a breath of relief to escape from Emily’s chest, weakening her. “Given that I have not made my intentions towards you clear, Miss Taylor.”
The weakness within her grew all the more. “Intentions?” she repeated, seeing the slow smile spreading across Lord Smithton’s face and feeling almost sick with the horror of what was to come.
Lord Smithton took a step closer to her and reached for her hand, which Emily was powerless to refuse. His eyes were fixed on hers, his tongue running across his lower lip for a moment before he spoke.
“Your father and I have been in discussions as regards your dowry and the like, Miss Taylor,” he explained, his hand tightening on hers. “We should come to an agreement very soon, I am certain of it.”
Emily closed her eyes tightly, feeling her mother’s hand still resting on her shoulder and f
orcing herself to focus on it, to feel the support that she needed to manage this moment and all the emotions that came with it.
“We shall be wed before Season’s end,” Lord Smithton finished, grandly, as though Emily would be delighted with such news. “We shall be happy and content, shall we not, Miss Taylor?”
The lump in Emily’s throat prevented her from saying anything. She wanted to tell Lord Smithton that he had not even asked her to wed him, had not considered her answer, but the words would not come to her lips. Of course, she would have no choice in the matter. Her father would make certain of that.
“You are speechless, of course,” Lord Smithton chuckled, as her father grunted his approval. “I know that this will come as something of a surprise that I have denied myself towards marrying someone such as you, but I have no doubt that we shall get along rather famously.” His chuckle became dark, his hand tightening on hers until it became almost painful. “You are an obedient sort, are you not?”
“She is,” Emily heard her father say, as she opened her eyes to see Lord Smithton’s gaze running over her form. She had little doubt as to what he was referring to, for her mother had already spoken to her about what a husband would require from his wife, and the very thought terrified her.
“Take her, now.”
Lord Smithton let go of Emily’s hand and gestured towards Lady Chesterton, as though she were his to order about.
“Take her to seek some refreshment. She looks somewhat pale.” He laughed and then turned away to speak to Emily’s father again, leaving Emily and her mother standing together.
Emily’s breathing was becoming ragged, her heart trembling within her as she struggled to fight against the dark clouds that were filling her heart and mind. To be married to such an odious gentleman as Lord Smithton was utterly terrifying. She would have no joy in her life any longer, not even an ounce of happiness in her daily living. Was this her doing? Was it because she had not been strong enough to stand up to her own father and refuse to do as he asked? Her hands clenched hard, her eyes closing tightly as she fought to contain the sheer agony that was deep within her heart.